Parts of a Plant for Class 3

Parts of a Plant for Class 3

parts of a plant for class 3

Parts of Plant

Each part of the plant has its own work to do. All these parts work together to keep the plant alive. There are two main parts of plant. One is shoot and the other is root.

The Root

The part of the plant that grows under the soil is called the <b>root</b>. Different plants have different types of roots.

For example, plants like beans, carrot, hibiscus, beetroot, mustard and balsam have tap roots. Tap root is a thick main root below the stem that goes deep into the soil and several thinner side roots grow from the main root.

Plants like grass, wheat, onion and banana have fibrous roots. These plants have a number of tiny roots attached to the end of the stem. It looks like a bunch of roots.

Functions of root

Roots hold the plant firmly to the soil and support the stem above. Plants need water and nutrients from the soil to grow. Roots suck up water from the ground. They also absorb nutrients from the soil that the plant needs to grow and stay healthy.

Roots even store food for the plant such as carrot, radish and beetroot to use in the future.

The Shoot

The part of plant that grows above the soil is called the shoot. Stem, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits are all part of shoot.

The Stem

The main part of the shoot is the stem. It make the plant stand upright. The stem carries water and nutrients from the roots up to the rest of the plant. Branches, leaves, flowers and fruits grows on stem. It also carries the food made by leaves to all parts of the plant.

In sugarcane, the food made by the plant is stored in the stem. Onion, ginger and potato are underground stem which also store food.

Some plants have soft stem (banana tree) and some have hard stem (mango tree and banyan tree). Hard stem is called trunk.

Also Read: Planet Earth for Class 3

The Leaves

The leaves are responsible for making food for the whole plant to eat. The leaves uses sunlight, water (from the stem) and carbon dioxide (from the air) to make food.

The lower side of the leaf has many tiny openings called stomata. Air enters the leaf through the stomata. The leaf takes carbon dioxide from it.

While making food, the leaves gives out oxygen. Thus, trees or plants are very important for human being and animals as we need oxygen to breathe.

The food made by leaves is sent to all parts of the plant through the stem. Some of the food is used by the plant and the extra food is stored in roots, stem, fruits and seeds. In some plants, food is also stored in leaves such as cabbage and spinach.


  1. Write down two things that stems do for the plant.

    1. Stem gives support to the plant.
    2. Stem carries the food made by leaves to all parts of a plant.
  2. What do plants need to make food?

    Plants need water, carbon dioxide and sunlight to make food.
  3. What happens to the food made by a plant?

    The food made by a plant are sent to all parts of the plant through the stem. Some of the food is used up by the plant and the extra food is stored in fruits, roots, stems and seeds.
  4. What are the two main parts of a plant?

    The two main parts of a plant is root and shoot.


  1. __________ is a tiny openings in a leaf.
  2. ______ root is seen in a mustard plant.
  3. _________ is the flat part of a leaf.
  4. Plants give out ________ while making food.
  5. ________ is an underground stem that stores food.
  6. The food made by leaves is sent to all parts of the plant through the _______.

  1. Stomata
  2. Tap
  3. Leaf blade
  4. oxygen
  5. Potato
  6. stem


In this chapter – Parts of a Plant for Kids you learn about different parts of plant like root, stem, branches, leaves and fruits. You also learn how plants make food and how sunlight, water and carbon dioxide are used by plants to make food.

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Image Credits: studyofplant blog.

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