Birds and Their Bodies – Class 3

Birds and Their Bodies

For Class 3

Humming bird
Humming bird

Important Points on Birds and Their Bodies

  • Birds are very light because their bones are thin and hollow. Due to light weight birds can fly easily.
  • Birds like ostrich and kiwi cannot fly.
  • Feathers of a bird help them to fly. Birds have three kinds of feathers –
    Flight feathers: They are long feathers in the wings and tail which are used for flying.
    Down feathers:  They are soft and light which keep the bird warm.
    Body feathers: They cover the body and give the bird its shape.
  • Birds have no teeth. They eat with their beaks.
  • Different birds have different types of beaks. For example-
    Sparrows have a short pointed beak.
    Ducks have a broad flat beak.
    Humming birds have a long curved beak like a drinking straw.
    Parrots have a curved beak.
    Eagles and vultures have strong, sharp and hooked beak.
  • Crows and sparrows have three toes in front and one at the back. Parrots and woodpeckers have two toes pointed in front and two pointed at the back. Eagles and hawks have sharp curved claws called talons. Ducks have webbed feet which helps them to swim.


  1. How many kind of feathers a bird have?

    Birds have three kind of feathers. They are flight feathers, down feathers and body feathers.
  2. What helps a bird to fly?

    Birds are very light because their bones are thin and hollow which helps them to fly.
  3. Name two birds which cannot fly.

    The two birds which cannot fly are ostrich and kiwi.

  4. What helps a duck and a goose to swim?

    Birds such as ducks and goose have webbed feet which helps them to swim.


  1. All birds can fly.
  2. Birds are not animals.
  3. The beak of a duck helps it to catch insects on the ground.
  4. Perching birds have three toes in front and one at the back.
  5. Woodpeckers and parrots have two toes pointed in front and two pointing at the back.

  1. False
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True

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