Ashok the Great – Class 4

Hello children, in this chapter - Ashok the Great (Class 4) we will learn about this great king and his achievements.

At the end of this chapter, there are some exercises also that will help you in preparing for your exams.

Let's get started.

Ashok (also called as Ashoka) was one of the greatest kings to rule in India. He was a conqueror and built a huge empire. 

King Ashok has special importance in history because he was a king who gave up war.

Ashok the Great - For Class 4

Let's learn about the family history of the king Ashok, the war he fought and the religion he followed.

About Ashok's Family

Chandragupta Maurya, grandfather of Ashok, was the first Indian king who built an empire. He ruled over a large kingdom called Magadh more then 2,000 years ago. 

The capital of Magadh was Pataliputra (present-day Patna). 

After Chandragupta Maurya, his son Bindusar became the king of Magadh. Ashok was Bindusar's son.

The Kalinga War

A kingdom called Kalinga (present-day Odisha) had refused to bow down to the rulers of Magadh.

When Ashok became the king of Magadh, he decided to conquer Kalinga and make it part of his empire.

He attacked Kalinga with a huge army. A fierce and bloody war was fought between the armies of both the kingdom. Thousands were killed and wounded from both sides.

King Ashok won the war but he was shocked by the death and destruction caused by the war.

On seeing women and children crying over the dead bodies of their loved ones, he was filled with regret and thus, he decided to give up war forever.

Ashok and Buddhism

Ashok was a cruel king. He fought several wars with many kingdoms to increase his empire. But after the war with Kalinga, he became a completely changed man.

He started to hate violence. He gave up hunting and killing. He adopted Buddhism and decided to live his life according to the principles of non-violence, mercy, charity, truth and tolerance as taught in Buddhism.

Ashok wanted to spread the teachings of the Buddha all over his kingdom.

He made the Buddha's teaching carved as edicts on rocks and pillars primarily found in Sarnath. These pillars were constructed using sandstone.

He also built many stupas (a Buddhist holy building). He spread the teachings of the Buddha even beyond his kingdom. 

He send messengers to different places in Asia and to Greece and Egypt. He also sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra to Sri Lanka to spread Buddhism.

Ashok respected all religions and gave his people the freedom to follow religion of their choice.

King Ashok was remembered as a great and noble king who served his people well.

Also Read: Movements of the Earth (Class 4)



  1. Why did Ashok attack Kalinga?

    Answer: Kalinga had refused to bow down to the rulers of Magadh. Thus, when Ashok became the king, he decided to conquer Kalinga and make it a part of his empire.
  2. How did the war with Kalinga change Ashok’s life?

    Answer: Ashok attacked Kalinga and won the war but he was shocked by the death and destruction it had caused. Ashok filled with regret and decided to give up war forever.
  3. What message did Ashok spread through his edicts?

    Answer: Ashok through his edicts on rocks and pillars tried to spread the teachings of the Buddha all over his kingdom. He asked his people to be kind, forgiving and generous.
  4. How did Ashok try to spread Buddhism?

    Answer: Ashok tried to spread Buddhism by sending messengers to different places in Asia and to Greece and Egypt. He sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra to Sri Lanka.
  5. Ashok declared,”All men are my children.” What did he do for his people?

    Answer: Ashok took good care of his people. He asked his officers not to be violent or harsh with his people. He had trees planted, wells dug, and rest houses and hospitals built for his people.



  1. The Lion Capital of Ashok has animals other than lions.
  2. After the war with Kalinga, Ashok became nonviolent.
  3. Ashok travelled to different countries to spread Buddhism.
  4. Ashok went on tours to see how his people were living.
  5. Ashok ordered his people to become Buddhists.
  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False


  1. Chandragupta Maurya was Ashok’s __________.
  2. We know about Ashok’s rule from his __________.
  3. The edicts of Ashok were carved on _________ and _________.
  4. Ashok built a _________ at Sanchi.
  5. Ashok built _________ for travellers.

  1. grandfather
  2. edicts
  3. rocks, pillars
  4. Great Stupa
  5. rest houses




Also Read: Food (Class 4)

Objective Questions on Ashoka the Great - Class 4:

1. What is the birthplace of King Ashoka?

a) Magadha
b) Ujjain
c) Pataliputra
d) Takshashila

Correct Answer: c) Pataliputra

2. Which battle marked the turning point in King Ashoka's life, leading him towards Buddhism?

a) Battle of Kalinga
b) Battle of Ujjain
c) Battle of Magadha
d) Battle of Takshashila

Correct Answer: a) Battle of Kalinga

3. What was the primary symbol of King Ashoka's imperial edicts?

a) Lion Capital
b) Bull Capital
c) Elephant Capital
d) Horse Capital

Correct Answer: a) Lion Capital

4. King Ashoka's conversion to Buddhism occurred after the war of:

a) Kalinga
b) Magadha
c) Ujjain
d) Takshashila

Correct Answer: a) Kalinga

5. King Ashoka's famous Rock Edicts are primarily found in:

a) Pataliputra
b) Ujjain
c) Sarnath
d) Bodh Gaya

Correct Answer: c) Sarnath

6. Which of the following animals is not depicted on the Ashokan Pillars and Edicts?

a) Elephant
b) Lion
c) Bull
d) Tiger

Correct Answer: d) Tiger

7. The Ashokan Pillars were constructed using:

a) Limestone
b) Sandstone
c) Granite
d) Marble

Correct Answer: b) Sandstone