Biggest and Smallest Countries in the World

Biggest Countries in the World

List of top 10 biggest countries of the world in terms of area and population are given below.

Biggest Countries (in Area)Biggest Countries (in Population)
1. Russia1. China
2. Canada2. India
3. USA3. USA
4. China4. Indonesia
5. Brazil5. Brazil
6. Australia6. Pakistan
7. India7. Bangladesh
8. Argentina8. Nigeria
9. Kazakhstan9. Russia
10. Algeria10. Japan

Smallest Countries in the World:

List of top 10 smallest countries of the world in terms of area and population are given below.

Smallest Countries (in Area)Smallest Countries (in Population)
1. Vatican City1. Vatican City
2. Monaco2. Nauru
3. Nauru3. Tuvalu
4. Tuvalu4. Palau
5. San Marino5. Monaco
6. Leichtenstein6. San Marino
7. Marshell Islands7. Liechtenstein
8. Saint Kitts and Nevis8. Saint Kitts and Nevis
9. Maldives9. Antigua and Barbados
10. Malta10. Seychelles

Match The Following Test

The Match The Following Test are given below. The test contains 6 questions on the left and its options on the right. You will have to select right answer by selecting options from the Option Button given in the right. After answering all the 6 questions select the Submit button. On submitting, results will be displayed.

1. Smallest country in the world in terms of population is:
2. Second biggest country in the world in terms of area is:
3. Third biggest country in the world in terms of population is:
4. Biggest country in the world in terms of area is:
5. Second smallest country in the world in terms of area is:
6. Second biggest country in the world in terms of population is:

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